"My time in this world is limited, but the things I can do with that time are not." - Jeb Corliss, world-renowned BASE Jumper

In the world of extreme sports, BASE jumping is probably one of the few that can be considered truly dangerous yet satisfying.

Reserved for full-time thrill-seekers and daredevil athletes, it involves one crazy adrenaline-junkie leaping off a fixed object, free falling for as much distance as they can gain until reaching the ground, then opening their parachute to land.

The acronym BASE stands for Buildings, Antennas (communication towers), Spans (bridges and other man-made structures), and Earth (mountains and cliffs).

Because of its extreme nature, BASE jumping requires intense training, dedication, and courage. Athletes must first learn how to skydive and master different styles of parachuting before moving on to BASE.

Even then, chances of injury or death are high. However, if you're good enough, the feeling is unparalleled.

BASE jumpers wear a special type of suit-- called a wingsuit, designed to make precise aerial maneuvers and slow their rate of descent. Once the ground rapidly approaches, they unfurl their parachutes and land.

BASE jumping has become very popular in the past few years, with BASE jumpers like Jeb Corliss and Sean Chuma achieving some extraordinary feats on film.

By pushing themselves to defy gravity and limitations, BASE jumpers aim to inspire others to do the same.